Legal Contributions to International Peace and Security, and to Enhancing Resilience in Times of Increasing International Tensions
Wednesday 22 May 2024
Keynote Speech – The Crime of Aggression: Quo Vadis?
Chair: Prof. (Em.) Dr. Wolff HEINTSCHEL VON HEINEGG, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) & President of the Society
Keynote speaker: Dr. Gabija GRIGAITE – DAUGIRDE, Vice-Minister, Ministry of Justice, Lithuania
A special tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine: Why, how, and when?
General Discussion – The Notions of Proportionality in Jus Ad Bellum & Jus In Bello
Chair: Dr. Camilla G. COOPER, Associate Professor of Operational Law, Norwegian Defence University College
Presenter: Prof. (Em.) Dr. Terry D. GILL, University of Amsterdam
Presenter: Dr. Alonso GURMENDI DUNKELBERG, Lecturer in International Relations, King’s College London
Recorded presentation (.mp4)
Special Presentation
Presenter: Colonel Viktor MASLIUK, Legal Department, Ministry of National Defence, Ukraine
Update on Legal Aspects of the Russian-Ukrainian War
General Discussion – Exploring New Domains related to the International Law Applicable to Peace Operations
Chair: Alfons VANHEUSDEN, Senior Legal Advisor, DG Legal Support, Ministry of Defence; Corvette Captain (Res.), Belgian Navy & Assistant Secretary-General of the Society
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Marten ZWANENBURG, Professor of Military Law, University of Amsterdam & Netherlands Defence Academy
Protection of personal data in military operations, including peace operations
Thursday 23 May 2024
General Discussion – Covert and Hybrid Activities and the Law
Chair: Gabija DAMALAKAITE, Senior Advisor, International Relations and Operations Group, Ministry of National Defence, Lithuania
Presenter: Major Kevin COBLE, Army Judge Advocate, U.S. Naval War College
Sabotage in international law
Presenter: Dr. Alexander LOTT, Marie Curie Research Fellow, Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea, University of Tromsø
Increasing legal resilience in the face of repeated attacks against Europe’s offshore infrastructure
Presenter: Dr. Aurel SARI, Associate Professor of Public International Law, University of Exeter & Fellow, SHAPE Office of Legal Affairs
Legal operations – Lessons from Gaza
Committee for Criminal and Disciplinary Law – Accountability for Atrocities under International Criminal Law
Chair: Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Franklin ROSENBLATT, Assistant Professor of Law, Mississippi College of Law & President, National Institute of Military Justice
Moderator: Brigadier General (Ret.) Jan Peter SPIJK, Honorary President of the Society
Presenter: Thomas KÖRNER, Senior Advisor on the Prosecution of International Crimes, European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) Ukraine
Prosecution of international crimes
Presenter: Brigadier (Ret.) James JOHNSTON, Formerly Director of the Military Department of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law
Prosecution of international crimes
Committee for History of Military Law and the Law of War – Learning From Legal History to Prepare the Future in the Domain of Technological Developments
Chair: Prof. Dr. Stefan OETER, University of Hamburg, Germany
Presenter: Anna Rosalie GREIPL, PhD Candidate and Researcher, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
Technological developments and legal reviews of new weapons, means and methods of warfare
(Ms. Greipl is available to discuss or share any relevant documents related to her presentation with anyone interested in exploring the subject further)
Presenter: Prof. Dr. and Brigadier General Paul DUCHEINE, University of Amsterdam and Netherlands Defence Academy & Vice-President, International Society for Military Law and the Law of War
The cyber perspective
Presentation – Powerpoint
Thursday 23 May 2024
Committee for the Law of Maritime and Air Operations – Topical Issues in the Domain of the Law of Maritime Operations
Chair: Marco BENATAR, Legal Officer, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea & Researcher, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Presenter: Prof. Raul (Pete) A. F. PEDROZO, Howard S. Levie Professor of the Law of Armed Conflict and Professor of International Law, Stockton Center of International Law, U.S. Naval War College
The Newport Manual on the Law of Naval Warfare & anachronisms in the law of naval warfare
Dr. Alexander LOTT, Marie Curie Research Fellow, Norwegian Centre for the Law of the Sea, University of Tromsø
Prof. Dr. Magne FROSTAD, Law Faculty, University of Tromsø
The use of force against or defence of merchant ships and the regime of international straits applied in an operational context
General Discussion – Energy Security of Resilient Societies: Legal Frameworks and the Role of Armed Forces and Ministries of Defence
Chair: Prof. Dr. and Brigadier General Paul DUCHEINE, University of Amsterdam and Netherlands Defence Academy & Vice-President, International Society for Military Law and the Law of War
Presenter: Lieutenant Commander (Lithuanian Navy) Jevgenij VIDIAJEV